Sending a message to student-athletes about a specific Task is a great way to drive completion rates within your student-athlete development program and communicate important updates. Pathways allows you to send targeted messages and reminders in bulk to streamline your communication.
Role Needed: Development Coordinator
To Send a Task Message:
- Navigate to Blueprints in the left sidebar menu.
- Select the Blueprint you wish to send a reminder for.
- From within a Task, select Task Completion.
- Use the filters at the top of the table to customize the student-athletes you wish to send a reminder to.
- Select the Checkbox next to the student-athletes you wish to send the reminder to. If you wish to send a reminder to all student-athletes in the table, select the Checkbox at the top of the table.
- Select the Bulk Actions dropdown.
- Select whether you wish to send an Email or Text Message.
- Enter your reminder message.
- Use the Toggle to select whether you wish to send your message immediately or schedule your message.
- After reviewing your information, select Send.
Student-athletes will receive a message to their email or phone number listed in their profile. Student-athletes can respond to an email message and the response will go directly to the sender’s email listed in Pathways. Student-athletes cannot respond to text messages.