When a student-athlete completes a task that requires a submission, administrators can view and act on the student-athlete’s submission from the Submissions page. Being able to view student-athlete submissions in real-time provides administrators with the ability to provide feedback in a timely manner to ensure student-athletes are progressing through the program.
Role Needed: Development Coordinator
To View and Act on Submissions:
- Navigate to Submissions in the left sidebar menu.
- Select View Submission in the row of the submission you wish to view. Submissions are organized by the Blueprint.
- If the submission requires verification, select Approve or Reject, whether you wish to notify the student-athlete and leave any message to the student-athlete.
- After reviewing your information, select Submit Update.
Once a submission has been approved or rejected, the student-athlete will receive a push notification and email updating them on the status of their submission. If the submission is approved, the associated task will be marked as completed in the student-athlete’s profile.